Subtitle Studio

In Subtitles Studio we strive for perfection in translation and subtitling of audiovisual media. From its very beggining it has centered in films, both short and long, mainly for festivals. Nevertheless, we work with television programmes and series as well.

Our services are focused on forign clients, distances are not a problem for us!. To that end, we provide our customers with an email account on our company’s servers, giving access to an online real time update of the project’s status, keeping you continously informed of the status of your translation and subtitling.

We are in charge of the complete process of translation and subtitling of a material, as well as each of them separetly. We also offer delivery of synchronized captioning in its preference file (srt, sub, etc.) to give the option of client material compilation, files which can be sent bu email, saving shipping costs.

In terms of language´s transtaltion, we currently work with English, French and Spanish in all their combinations. We offer DVD's with multitrack audio and subtitles. In the field of subtitling and synchronization we handle any language.


Xaudio is a fast and robust, multi-platform solution for digital playback, especially targeted at MPEG Audio (MP1, MP2, and MP3) decoding. It is offered in the form of a developer's kit (SDK), which includes the Xaudio decoding engine.

Xaudio allows you to quickly and easily write your own MP3 player with just a few lines of code. You can create your own GUI or other front-end to the Xaudio decoding engine on any one of the supported platforms. Easily embed Xaudio into video games to provide a small, high-quality audio playback capability. In addition, use Xaudio to provide the audio engine for embedded hardware devices, such as portable music players and cell phones.

Because of its speed and flexibility, many software developers and companies are using the Xaudio playback system in their products, such as Multimedia Players, On Demand Music Distribution Systems, Online Streaming, Video Games, Embedded Hardware Devices, etc.

MP3 Trim PE

mpTrim is a simple and easy to use MP3 editor. Its main advantage is that it works directly in the MP3 format without having to decode/re-encode, so it is very fast and doesn't degrade the music quality. It can trim the parts that you want to discard. It can adjust the volume - either manually or automatically - for example, to amplify those pesky MP3s that were encoded too low. It can fade-in/out abrupt beginning/ending. It can clean up your MP3s and recover wasted disk space.

Structural Design of Pipelines

To be consistent with the purpose of this book stated in the preface, this chapter presents pipeline design in the context of principles and logic, rather than codes and standards. The latter changes with time, countries, government agencies, and in some cases, with state laws and local statutes. Therefore, in addition to the
information learned from this book, the designer must understand the various standards, codes, and regulations that govern the design of particular types of pipelines in particular locations in order to create an actual design for construction. Pipeline design includes several general steps: (1) load determination, (2) critical performance evaluation such as determining the stress and/or deformation of the pipe, (3) comparison of performance with the limiting performance criteria established by codes and standards, and (4) final selection of the pipe and construction method based on the design.

Single-Phase Incompressible Flow of Newtonian Fluid

A multiphase flow contains at least two separate phases, such as a liquid and a solid, a gas and a solid, a liquid and a gas, or two immiscible liquids. A singlephase flow, on the other hand, contains either a single liquid or gas without solids in it, or without any other immiscible liquid or gas. The flows of water, oil, natural gas, air, etc. are all examples of single-phase flow. Water laden with sediment particles or air bubbles is a two-phase flow. If the flow of water contains both air bubbles and sediment, it is a three-phase flow and so forth. A liquid with dissolved
gas or another dissolved liquid, or with homogeneous suspension of very fine particles of solids, can be considered and treated as a single-phase flow, although in reality two phases are involved. A flow is said to be incompressible if the density of any particle in the flow, be it a fluid or a solid particle, remains constant as the particle travels with the flow. A flow is said to be homogeneous if the density is constant throughout the flow. A
single-phase incompressible flow is a homogeneous flow, whereas a multiphase incompressible flow is not homogeneous. For instance, for a pipe flow of water carrying gravel, the density of the flow is not the same everywhere at a given time, depending on whether water or gravel exists at the location at a given time. Normally, both liquid and gas are treated as incompressible flow. However, when the speed of a gas approaches, equals to, or exceeds the velocity of sound, large density changes occur in the flow within short distances and the flow can no longer be treated as incompressible. Also, when any gas is flowing through a long pipeline, there can be substantial change of the density of the gas over a long distance due to pressure change along the pipe even when the speed involved is low. Therefore, not all gas pipelines can be treated as incompressible, even when the velocity is low.

Single-Phase Compressible Flow Compressible Flow

Compressible flow is the area of fluid mechanics that deals with fluids in which the fluid density varies significantly in response to a change in pressure. Compressibility effects are typically considered significant if the Mach number (the ratio of the flow velocity to the local speed of sound) of the flow exceeds 0.3, or if the fluid undergoes very large pressure changes. The most distinct differences between the compressible and incompressible flow models are that the compressible flow model allows for the existence of shock waves and choked flow.

Pumps and Turbines

PUMPS are usually operated with constant speed, head and flow. A pump is therefore designed for one particular of operation (duty point) and does not require a regulating device (guide vane). Ideally, the duty point coincides with the maximum efficiency of the pump.

TURBINES operate under variable head and flow conditions. In an MHP, flow must be adjustable to either accommodate to seasonal variations of the available water or to adjust power output according to the demand of the consumers. Adjustable guide vanes and/or runner blades (or nozzles controlled by a streamlined valve) regulate the flow

Protection of Pipelines

Lining is the application of a protective coating on the inside surface of pipes, whereas coating refers to the same except for its application to the pipe exterior. Both lining and coating are intended to reduce corrosion and abrasion of pipes. Lining also serves the purpose of forming a smooth pipeline interior, which reduces frictional loss, and it helps reduce damage to pipes by cavitation in some situations.

Planning and Construction of Pipelines

The procedure involved in the planning and construction of any new pipeline system depends on several factors including the material (fluid or solid) to be transported by the pipeline (whether it is natural gas, oil, water, sewage, slurry, or capsules), the length of the pipeline, and the environment (whether the pipeline is in an urban or countryside setting, whether it is on land or offshore, whether the climate is warm or cold), etc. However, there are more similarities than dissimilarities in constructing different types of pipelines. Once a person understands how a given type of pipeline is built, it is not difficult to figure out how another type should be built. The following is an outline of the procedure used for long-distance steel pipelines that carry natural gas or oil.

Pipeline Operations,Monitoring,Maintenance

There is a huge difference between operating a pipeline and operating a pipeline company, with the former being only a part of the latter. To operate a pipeline company, one must deal with not only the pipeline system, but also the business aspects of the company—including finance, accounting, marketing, human resources, legal, and public relations. It is beyond the scope of this book to deal with operating a pipeline company. This chapter will be confined to operating pipelines.
Operating a pipeline requires an understanding of the purpose of the pipeline, how the pipeline was designed and constructed, the codes and standards that govern the operation of the pipeline, the operational history of the pipeline, and the pipeline’s current status. It also requires a good knowledge of pipeline engineering and many other related fields, such as corrosion control, automatic control, fluid mechanics, structural engineering, machine maintenance, etc. Therefore, it takes engineers and technicians of different disciplines and training working together as a team in order to keep a modern pipeline system running and maintained in good condition. Unqualified operators and/or inadequate training often result in improper operation of the pipeline and damage to the system, or frequent unscheduled shutdown. The use of modern computers and automatic control systems has greatly decreased the number of technical personnel needed to run a pipeline system; however, the knowledge and training required by the technical personnel who run a pipeline have been increasing steadily.

Pipe Flows

The term pipe is defined herein as a closed conduit, usually of circular cross section.It can be made of any appropriate material such as steel or plastic. The term pipeline refers to a long line of connected segments of pipe, with pumps, valves, control devices, and other equipment/facilities needed for operating the system. It is
intended for transporting a fluid (liquid or gas), mixture of fluids, solids, fluidsolid mixture, or capsules (freight-laden vessels or vehicles moved by fluids through a pipe). The term pipeline also implies a relatively large pipe spanning a long distance. Unless otherwise specified, the pipelines discussed in this book generally have a minimum diameter of 4 inches (102 mm) and a minimum length of 1 mi (1.6 km). The largest and longest pipelines discussed may have a diameter of over 10 ft (3.05 m) and a length of over 1000 mi (1609 km). This book treats all important aspects, parts, and types of pipelines.

Physical Properties of Certain Fluids and Solids

This book deals with some basic thermodynamic & transport properties of fluids & solids that are of interest in engineering applications. Various notions about the basic structure of matter, fundamental concepts of our physical world & the conditions of equilibrium between different phases of matter are discussed in the first part of the book. The macroscopic properties of fluids & solids are explained in the latter part. The book is written for first-year university students in engineering. Therefore, simple derivations & clear explanations have been preferred to detailed theoretical treatment. Illustrative problems, spaced throughout the text, demonstrate the application of various concepts & facilitate a better understanding of the theory. The text provides a sound first treatment of many properties of fluids & solids of interest in all the engineering disciplines.

Non-Newtonian Fluids

A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid whose viscosity is variable based on applied stress. The most commonly known non-Newtonian fluid is cornstarch dissolved in water. Contrast with Newtonian fluids like water, whose behavior can be described exclusively by temperature and pressure, not the forces acting on it from second to second. Non-Newtonian fluids are fascinating substances that can be used to help us understand physics in more detail, in an exciting, hands-on way.

If you punch a bucket full of a shear thickening non-Newtonian fluid, the stress introduced by the incoming force causes the atoms in the fluid to rearrange such that it behaves like a solid. Your hand will not go through. If you shove your hand into the fluid slowly, however, it will penetrate successfully. If you pull your hand out abruptly, it will again behave like a solid, and you can literally pull a bucket of the fluid out of its container in this way.

A shear thinning non-Newtonian fluid behaves in the opposite way. In this type, the fluid becomes thinner, rather than thicker, when stress is applied. Also called pseudoplastic, examples of this type of non-Newtonian fluid include ketchup, toothpaste, and paint. The effect doesn't usually last for long in either type, continuing only as long as the stress is applied.

Instrumentation and Pigging

Pigging in the maintenance of pipelines refers to the practice of using pipeline inspection gauges or 'pigs' to perform various operations on a pipeline without stopping the flow of the product in the pipeline.
These operations include but are not limited to cleaning and inspecting of the pipeline. This is accomplished by inserting the pig into a 'pig launcher' (or 'launching station') - a funnel shaped Y section in the pipeline. The launcher / launching station is then closed and the pressure of the product in the pipeline is used to push it along down the pipe until it reaches the receiving trap - the 'pig catcher' (or receiving station).
If the pipeline contains butterfly valves, the pipeline cannot be pigged. Ball valves cause no problems because the inside diameter of the ball can be specified to be the same as that of the pipe (assuming they are full bore valves).
Pigging has been used for many years to clean larger diameter pipelines in the oil industry. Today, however, the use of smaller diameter pigging systems is now increasing in many continuous and batch process plants as plant operators search for increased efficiencies and reduced costs.
Pigging can be used for almost any section of the transfer process between, for example, blending, storage or filling systems. Pigging systems are already installed in industries handling products as diverse as lubricating oils, paints, chemicals, toiletries, cosmetics and foodstuffs.
Pigs are used in lube oil or painting blending: they are used to clean the pipes to avoid cross-contamination, and to empty the pipes into the product tanks (or sometimes to send a component back to its tank). Usually pigging is done at the beginning and at the end of each batch, but sometimes it is done in the midst of a batch, e.g. when producing a premix that will be used as an intermediate component.
Pigs are also used in oil and gas pipelines: they are used to clean the pipes but also there are "smart pigs" used to measure things like pipe thickness and corrosion along the pipeline. They usually do not interrupt production, though some product can be lost when the pig is extracted. They can also be used to separate different products in a multiproduct pipeline.

Flow of Solid-Liquid Mixture in Pipe (Slurry Pipelines)

Slurry is the mixture of solid particles and a liquid, usually water. The particles can range in size from greater than four inches in equivalent diameter to less than one-thousandth of an inch. When the solid particles in the liquid are small and finely ground, the mixture is called fine slurry, and when the particles are larger, it is called coarse slurry. Traditionally, the mining industry has employed pipelines to transport mine wastes and tailings in slurry form to disposal sites, using water as the fluid. Dredging also uses slurry pipeline. The sand, gravel, or soil dredged from a river is often pumped with water through a pipeline to a construction site for a distance of up to a few miles.

In general, when pipelines are used to transport coarse slurry, the slurry velocity must be relatively high in order to suspend the solids. Such slurry transport is very abrasive to the pipe and the pump, and the power consumed is high. Consequently, coarse-slurry pipelines are economical only over relatively short distances, normally not more than a few miles. An important application of coarse-slurry pipeline is “concrete pumping,” in which concrete is pumped from a parked truck through a portable steel pipe attached to a side boom to reach rooftops and bridge decks. It is a method of conveying and laying concrete employed increasingly in construction.

Long-distance transport of solids by slurry pipeline must use relatively fine slurry. Existing coal-slurry pipelines carry fine slurry consisting of about 50 percent coal and 50 percent water by weight. The solid is first pulverized and mixed with water to form a paste. The slurry then enters a mixing tank, which contains one or more large rotating wheels or propellers that keep the particles uniformly mixed. Next, the slurry enters the pipeline. Special plunger or piston pumps are used to pump the slurry over long distances. The United States pioneered the coal-slurry pipeline technology. The first long-distance coal-slurry pipeline was constructed in Ohio in 1957. The line was discontinued later when the competing railroad agreed to lower its freight rate. The pipeline was then mothballed for years and used as a leverage against rail rate increases. It was said to have prompted railroads to modernize and become more competitive, introducing the concept of the unit train, which employs about 100 cars to haul coal nonstop from mines to power plants.

The world’s longest coal-slurry pipeline is the Black Mesa pipeline in the United States. Built in 1970, this 18-inch pipeline transports 4.8 million tons of coal per year from Black Mesa, Ariz., to southern Nevada, over a distance of 273 miles. This coal pipeline has been highly successful. Many other long-distance slurry pipelines exist in the world to transport coal and other minerals such as iron concentrate and copper ore.

Flow of Solid-Gas Mixture in Pipe

The flow characteristics of dense solid-gas mixtures transported through horizontal pipes were studied with glass beads and coal powders of various sizes (0.0028 to 0.0297 in.) in 1/2-, 3/4- and 1-in. glass pipes and a 1/4-in. steel pipe. Fluidized-bed feeders were utilized, thus permitting solid-gas ratios considerably higher (range 80 to 750) than those possible with conventional pneumatic transport. When such high solid-gas ratios are used, the flow of mixtures in transport lines is characterized by a large amount of slippage between gas and solids. The flow pattern is dicussed on the basis of visual observation through glass pipes.

A simple and interesting velocity relationship was noted, namely that the average gas velocity is about twice as large as the average solid-particle velocity. The solid-particle velocities and solid loadings in the pipe line were found to be primary factors affecting pressure drops, and the particle sizes and shapes, on the other hand, exerted a very slight effect on the pressure drops. This is apparently due to the fact that the solids move predominantly in the bottom of the pipes as agglomerated masses rather than as individually suspended particles. A pressure-drop correlation for the dense solid-gas mixtures is proposed, and applications and limitations of the correlation are shown.

Engineering Considerations

Piping engineering design is just as important for your installation as having the right structural architecture. Piping can cover an enormous range of types, from basic plumbing to chemical transfer systems and everything in between. Each specific job requires in-depth experience and expertise, as well. Whether you need a vacuum system installed or tested, or you need a natural gas pipe system designed and installed, having the right company on your side is vital. What should a company offer you, though, to make their services stand out from the crowd?


The first consideration here is experience. While all piping engineering and design firms start out new, it is important that even if the company is a startup, the members of that firm should have immense experience with myriad types of piping design. This ensures that you are able to benefit from their experience, while avoiding the problems that can arise from working with "green" designers. It is in your best interest to choose a firm with experience. A quality firm should offer experience in layout, stress analysis, plumbing, underground systems, aseptic and sanitary designs and more.

Conversion between SI and ENGLISH

The problem of changing over a highly industrialized nation such as the United States to a new system of measurements is a substantial one. Once the metric system is in general use in the United States, its simplicity and convenience will be enjoyed, but the transition period, when both systems are in use, can be difficult. Nevertheless, it will be easier than it seems. While the complete SI is intimidating because it covers every conceivable kind of scientific measurement over an enormous range of magnitudes, there are only a small number of units and prefixes that are used in everyday life.

Capsule Pipelines

Normal pipelines can not transport solid goods; they can not transport people. Some solid goods can be mixed with a liquid or a gas and transported along a pipeline. This is normally called slurrying. Solid goods like grain or china clay can be slurried. Most solid goods can not be transported in this way.

The alternative is to put goods (or people) into a sealed container, a capsule. The capsule is then transported along the pipeline. When the capsule reaches the destination, the goods are removed from the capsule.

Capsule pipelines are used like a railway. You get into the railway carriage at a station. The carriage moves along the railway track till it reaches the next station, where you get out.

How is the capsule actually made to move along the pipeline? One of three different technologies are used.

The most common technology is the use of air, called pneumatics. The capsule has the same diameter (width) as the pipeline, so not much air can get past it. Air is pumped into the pipeline behind the capsule. Sometimes air is pumped out of the pipeline in front of the capsule. The force of the air behind the capsule is greater than the force of air in front of the capsule. The capsule moves forward.

Water can be used to push capsules along, instead of air.

The newest technology uses complicated sets electric cable, which act like sets of magnets. These magnets constantly pull the capsule forward along the pipe. These work like 'mag-lev' trains.

Think about it...